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Paul Tozer

Paul Tozer
Associate Member

I have been a Governor at Meath Green Junior School for the past twenty years and lived in Horley for 29 years. During this time I was also a Governor and Vice Chair at Oakwood secondary school for six years. I am currently an Associate Member of the Governing Body at MGJ and have served on the Resources, Learning & Standards and Health & Safety committees at our school. 

I had thirty years experience in retail management and training prior to taking early retirement, devoting all my time since to my family and the schools I have been associated with. My management, business and communication skills have enabled me to offer assistance to both schools in a variety of ways and I have enjoyed taking part in school life when asked to do so

I am particularly interested in our schools teaching environment - both in and outside the classroom - and how children of differing abilities can benefit and enjoy their time while at our school and achieve successful outcomes before moving on to their next school.

I am married to Roz who is a Matron at East Surrey Hospital and have two children, Mark who is a full time Service Manager for the charity, Active Prospects and Kim who is a Personal Trainer and graduated from Brighton University with a First-Class Honours degree in Physical Education. Both have attended Meath Green Junior School.

I play golf, frequently very badly and enjoy painting, photography, cars and musical theatre.