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Year 5

Welcome to our Year 5 page.

On this page, you will find relevant information to support you and your child through this academic year. To keep up-to-date with what is happening in our year group, please remember to read the weekly Friday email. 

If you have any questions regarding admin, payments or general enquiries, please contact the school office directly on

The Year 5 Team 2024 - 2025

Year Group Leader: Mrs Moore (

5M: Mrs Moore, Mrs Constable, Mrs Scales, Mrs Stovell and Mrs Williams

5B: Mrs Barthrope, Miss Bennett and Mrs Dove

5L: Miss Lowson and Miss Seldon


Each term we have a new learning focus. The curriculum web for each of these is attached below. 

Autumn: From the Greeks and Beyond

Spring: The Journey of Life

Summer: Forceful Invaders

PE and Games 

Please ensure your child is wearing correct PE on the following days:

5M: Friday (PE) and Thursday (Games) 
5B: Wednesday (PE) and Thursday (Games) 
5L: Monday (PE) and Thursday (Games)

Should there be any changes to the above, it will be communicated to you in the Friday email. 

Home Learning Expectations

Reading: As a school, we place great emphasis on reading. Children are expected to read for a minimum of 15 minutes each day. Their reading must be logged in their diary, by writing a short summary of what they have read.  A team point is awarded for every entry in their diary. A raffle ticket will be awarded for five consecutive entries.

Home learning: The children will be set homework for Maths and Literacy on a Friday, and it is due the following Wednesday. This will either be written or via an online platform. We outline the homework in the Friday email, where we also notify parents of any changes that may occur. 

Spellings: Children are set weekly spellings on a Monday. These will be tested on the following Tuesday. They also have an EdShed login with games and activities to help them learn their new words.